Summer Cleaning Chore Checklist

Summer Cleaning Chore Checklist

Summer’s here, hot, high and sweaty. Vacations beckon. The garden takes on a life of its own. Busy families don’t have much time for home chores these months. School’s out, travel’s in and it’s easy to let life slide on the home front. Still, summer will run more smoothly if you keep tabs on these important areas in the Summer Cleaning Chore Checklist. Our summer cleaning chore checklist list tackles hot-weather issues, summer health and safety.   The Inside Story Make the season count. Late summer is a slow time for home maintenance and cleaning companies. Look for summer discounts from carpet cleaners, gutter installers, and window washing firms, and get the jump on fall cleaning! Think ahead to fall’s cold weather. Schedule furnace maintenance now and beat the October rush. You’ll be snug and warm that first cold night–and your HVAC specialist will thank you! Prepare the medicine chest and first aid kit for summer’s little medical emergencies. In the bathroom, dispose of outdated medication as recommended by local health authorities. Be sure the first aid kit has ample adhesive bandages for scrapes, calamine lotion for insect bites, and hot/cold packs for strains or sprains. Print a first-aid kit checklist for your Household Notebook. Make an emergency list for baby-sitters and school kids on vacation. Print an emergency information page to post by each household telephone. Include phone numbers for the fire department, police, poison control, and ambulance. Don’t forget numbers for parents at work, a family contact, and nearby neighbors. Be sure to write the home address on the list; it will aid rescuers if help is...
7 Budget-Friendly Spring Cleaning Tips

7 Budget-Friendly Spring Cleaning Tips

You Can Get Your Home Clean Without Spending Too Much This Season! With winter weather finally behind us, spring has ushered in warmer temperatures and the reminder that it’s time to spruce up your home and garden and tackle those annual “spring cleaning” tasks. You might be dreading deep-cleaning the kitchen, washing all the windows and getting down on your hands and knees to scrub the tub, and the costs might make you cringe as well. The average American adult spends more than $500 per year on household cleaning supplies. So if you are on a tight budget, never fear. There are simple ways to save some green, while getting your house clean. Go generic Instead of paying top dollar for pricey name brands, I recommend ditching your brand loyalty and trying generic cleaning products. You can typically save 50 percent or more in comparison to the established big name brands. Look at the store’s generic brand product label and compare it to the ingredients listed on the established brand’s product to find similar products to your favorite brand. Shop the Dollar Store For just one dollar, you can find cleaning supplies comparable to name brands. Although the dollar store products may be a little diluted and not as high quality, they are composed of similar ingredients and have similar results as the big name brands. You will notice the selection, varieties and scents will be limited at the Dollar Store, but it’s easy to accept the limitations when a purchase only sets you back a buck. However, you may need to use trial and error to navigate which...